As an intuitive spiritual mentor and teacher, one thing I see that is still a pandemic in our world is the feeling of aloneness.
As we all are going through massive changes, it can feel like our lives are falling apart. This is a normal stage of transition. It’s like when you’re clearing clutter out of your closet. It always looks worse while you’re sifting through all the “junk.” But eventually you decide on what you’re letting go of and what you’re keeping. And after you’ve let go of what was blocking your flow, you feel more calm and peaceful.
Change isn’t easy, and it’s especially hard when we feel so alone in it.
That’s a lot of what we’re all going through right now. If your life is feeling rocky, pay attention to your energy. Are you gripping for dear life? Holding on to how it used to be to stay comfortable? Or are you allowing yourself to go with the flow of change?
Learning the art of flow over force takes practice, and wow, it has massive healing effects in your life. That’s one of the many gifts that the divine feminine energy brings.
When life is shifting so rapidly, we can feel alone - like we’re the only ones feeling messy and imperfect. But no, dear one, YOU ARE NOT ALONE in these times of change.
Because we are all truly connected, we are all feeling the ups and the downs. Some days it feels liberating and amazing, and some days it leaves you feeling scared and lonely.
We are being called to honor our divine feminine energy during these times of great change. You are on your own personal path, but you don’t have to walk it alone.
Join me for my free, upcoming Zoom gathering to explore this topic together.
Mark your calendar for our next live Zoom gathering:
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024 | 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Central
As we come together in this safe and sacred space, we'll begin with a gentle, guided meditation to center ourselves and open our hearts to our inner wisdom.
Then, we'll take time to explore the power of allowing, trusting our intuition, and surrendering to the natural flow of life, guided by the supportive embrace of the Universe.
We'll talk about practical ways we can make space to honor the divine feminine energy in our day-to-day lives.
By the end of our time together, you'll feel inspired to weave simple spiritual rituals into your daily life that nurture a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and the infinite possibilities that surround you.
Honoring your divine feminine energy will help you feel more balanced, centered, creative and supported during times of great transition.
And exploring these topics in community helps you feel…less alone!
(Interested in more gatherings like this one? Check out my new Patreon Online Community here to learn more about my weekly offerings.)
Hit reply to this email to receive the Zoom info so you can access our call for free.
I’m excited to see you! Remember…you are designed to shine and we are in this TOGETHER.
With love,
A Free Spirit Life |