Knowing What Fuels You
Hello beautiful, you.
I’m sharing below an excerpt from my latest podcast episode #71: Finding Peace When Energy Collides. You can listen HERE (or wherever you listen to podcasts)! Whether you're a long-time listener or you're just joining us for the first time, I want to express my deep gratitude for your presence. Thank you for sharing this journey with me.
As many of you know, this podcast is a space where I follow my intuition and share what's inspiring me in the moment. Sometimes it's interviews, sometimes it's solo episodes like this one. And lately, I've been feeling called to show up here more regularly. I've received so much love and resonance from you, and it fuels my desire to share more with you.
So, if you have a story to tell, a favorite episode, or just want to say hello, please reach out to me. You can email me at You can also find me at Your words and experiences matter to me, and I look forward to connecting with you on a deeper level.
Before we dive into today's topic, I want to share a card from the Soulful Woman deck. It's called "The Flow of Partnership." This card speaks to the ebb and flow of relationships in our lives, especially during times of awakening and transformation. It reminds us that as we change and grow, some relationships may naturally evolve or end. Trust in the flow of life, and the right people will come into your life at the right time.
Finding Peace When Energy Collides
Today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately—finding peace in moments of great change. We're all experiencing awakenings and shifts in our lives, and sometimes it feels like our old selves are colliding with the new, creating moments of disorientation. It's perfectly normal, and in this episode I'm sharing a few simple ways to refuel and ground ourselves during these times.
1. Nature: One of the most powerful ways to refuel your energy is by connecting with nature. Whether you live in a bustling city or a quiet countryside, find a moment to step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and soak in the sunlight. Nature has a way of grounding us, bringing us to the present moment, and reminding us of our connection to the world around us.
2. Creativity: Nurturing your creativity is another beautiful way to refuel. It doesn't have to be complex or time-consuming. Start with something simple, like coloring in a coloring book, or try painting, writing, cooking, gardening or photography. The act of creating can be a joyful and meditative experience, bringing you into the now.
3. Music: Music has the incredible power to shift our energy and mood. Create a high-vibe playlist filled with songs that resonate with you and lift your spirits. Whenever you need a boost or a moment of inspiration, turn on your favorite tunes and let the music refuel your inner light. (Three songs I have on my high-vibe music list currently: Wherever is Your Heart by Brandi Carlile, I Feel Like Dancing by Jason Mraz, Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls.)
4. Inspirational Readings: Consider reading or listening to inspirational books, quotes, or passages. Surround yourself with positive and high-vibe content that uplifts your spirit and encourages you on your journey. You can also curate your social media feeds to follow people who inspire you and share messages of joy and empowerment.
5. Human Design: If you're open to it, exploring your Human Design can be a game-changer. Human Design is your energetic blueprint, offering insights into how you operate, communicate, and access your vital life force energy. Knowing your design validates what you've always known or wondered about yourself and helps you return to the path of purpose, meaning, authenticity and true, empowered abundance. Understanding your energy type can help you navigate life with more ease and authenticity.
Remember, as you embrace your awakening and navigate life when you experience a collision of energy, trust in the process. Like pieces in a board game that get tossed into the air, the pieces will eventually land where they need to be. You have the power to co-create your life, eliminate energy drains, and live in alignment with your authentic self.
To learn more about my current 1:1 sessions, and to sign-up for a reading, visit HERE.
Thank you for joining me in this episode. Your presence means the world to me, and I'm grateful for our connection. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your friends and leave a review on iTunes. Your support helps our community grow, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon.
Until then, keep taking great care of yourself and continue on your path of awakening.
You are right where you need to be...
With love,
Shannon @afreespiritlife