Tuning into Your Energy
Several years ago, I found myself on a retreat where a clear message resonated within me: I should learn Reiki. At that time, I was unfamiliar with what Reiki really was, but I knew the importance of following my intuitive hits. I had noticed around that time during coaching sessions with my clients, I felt a deep desire to help them break free of the patterns that were keeping them energetically, emotionally and spiritually stuck.
Following that retreat, I went searching for my first Reiki teacher, and I dove into all I could learn about energy healing. I had been a yoga and meditation teacher for more than 20 years when Reiki came into my life, and it reignited my love for all things energy.
Reiki opened up my world and reactivated my innate abilities to sense, feel and tune into energy. My ability to be a “tuning fork” and to guide others to release what was keeping them “out of tune” grew.
I started sharing hands-on healing energy sessions with many people, and soon found myself back on retreat. On that particular retreat day, I suggested to the group that we venture into the forest and hug trees.
In silence, we dispersed, each drawn to a particular tree. For the next hour, there was no embarrassment or self-consciousness as we embraced the trees. It felt good and right. It was fun and invigorating. We felt like kids again, skipping to the next tree, playing around in the sunshine.
When’s the last time you experienced such an intimate connection with nature?
Upon returning from our tree-hugging venture, as I sat in meditation, I felt the sun's warmth seeping through the window. Electrified and invigorated by my time in nature, I noticed an unusual sensation shooting from my palms. It dawned on me that the same frequency of love I experienced in hands-on healing was the same feeling I felt from hugging the trees.
Hugging the trees that day reminded me that we are all one. The life force energy that runs through me is the same energy in the trees. It’s the same energy in you. Your true nature is being one with nature. We are embodiments of this love frequency energy.
Yet, as we navigate life's myriad responsibilities - juggling bills, tending to family duties, and meeting obligations, keeping all the plates spinning - our mental, physical, spiritual, and energetic well-being can suffer without proper care.
Through energy healing, I've learned that unresolved emotions from past experiences, ancestral lineage, and childhood can linger within our energy field. Emotions are energy, and our true essence is energy. When we neglect to process these emotions, they accumulate, manifesting as physical discomfort or emotional unease.
In this current eclipse season of April 2024, we are being offered an opportunity to attune ourselves to our energetic bodies, reconnect with our authentic selves, transcend the conditioning and emotional baggage of the past, and return to a more harmonious state. A state that is in alignment with our true nature.
Wherever you find yourself, take notice of your energetic, spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional state. Spring calls us to prepare the soil for new beginnings by clearing and cleansing the energy we've collected over time. It's time to release the grip of stress-inducing thoughts and emotions, making space for growth. New beginnings truly do await!
Pause, breathe deeply, and listen to your intuition.
What does your heart truly desire? What are you ready to release to make room for new growth?
If you’d like support to feel more energetically clear and at peace, I've opened my calendar for three additional sessions at the end of April, the final opportunities for my Spring Energy Reset Sessions. These sessions include Holistic Life Coaching, Human Design, Emotion Code releasing and energy healing, and personalized flower essence suggestions to support your healing and growth journey.
These sessions are for anyone who wants to feel healthier, happier and more balanced. It’s for those of you who feel change coming, and want to be ready for it. It’s for those of you who are tired of living life the way you’ve been living it, and want to live more in alignment with your true gifts, purpose and inner peace. It’s for those of you who want to feel energetically recharged, alive and free.
We truly are in a reset period right now. What a beautiful and powerful time to be alive. Take extra good care of yourself and keep listening to your heart.
I see you. I acknowledge the challenges you face, and I’m in awe of your resilience. You deserve to live a life guided by unconditional love and in alignment with your true nature, purpose and passions.
You are designed to shine…and remember…you are not alone.
With love,
“Giving an A+ to Shannon. She did a Spring Energy Reset with a focused deep dive reading of my Human Design chart. This was new to me. She went over my chart explaining meanings and strengths for an hour and a half. When we were done she summed it all up and the summary was spot on accurate with who I am. There's a lot more to it, but I recommend her if you want to do something different, dive deep into yourself, and get a different perspective of yourself spiritually and energetically. Thank you, Shannon.” ~ Rich
"I love working with Shannon. Her coaching has given me so much clarity on what I want to build up in my life and business. As well as help me find my specific strengths to help make this possible.
We also did the Emotion Code which is life changing. My emotions can be huge and all-consuming. With the Emotion Code, I'm able to still feel the feeling, but it's not so overwhelming, which makes processing them easier and not as turbulent of a rollercoaster." ~Lindsey