A Free Spirit Life
A Free Spirit Life
78: Focusing on Your Healing Journey

78: Focusing on Your Healing Journey

Hello there!

In this new podcast episode 77: Focusing on Your Healing Journey, I’m sharing another vulnerable story about applying for a job and not getting hired.

Every twist and turn in life offers a chance for awakening, inviting us to embrace new beginnings, while remembering our true essence. We certainly are being faced with so many opportunities to grow right now - but it certainly doesn’t always feel good in the moment!

Part of my karma in life is learning how to heal from rejection, not feeling seen and creative insecurities. I talk about this and more in today’s episode.

Amid life's frenetic pace, we often overlook celebrating our small victories and moments of courage. Yet, it's these instances of vulnerability and healthy risk-taking that deserve recognition and appreciation.

As we navigate our individual paths, it's important to honor our energy. Energy has a weight to it, from the lightness of alignment to the burdens of karma, as we strive to release past wounds and insecurities. Take some time this week to reflect and focus on the light or dense energy you feel in your life. What is it teaching you? How is that energy helping you on your healing journey?

Embrace the opportunities and challenges that come your way, discerning what no longer serves your highest purpose. By aligning with your heart, body, mind, and soul, you will continue to expand and unlock a true sense of purpose and joy.

Interested in being part of a community as you navigate your path toward inner peace and transformation? Check out my new online sacred space HERE.

Through storytelling and sharing, we illuminate the power of reflection and the inspiration it ignites within us. I’d love to hear your stories, too! Feel free to email me here or shoot me a message on Instagram @afreespiritlife.

And remember this… Celebrate your worth, for no one can diminish the radiance of your true essence. You are worthy. Your dreams matter. Keep going and keep growing.

With love,


(Reminder: Registration for Intuitive Watercolor closes Monday, March 18th!)

A Free Spirit Life
A Free Spirit Life
Do you long to feel inspired, empowered, authentic and free to be who you're meant to be in this world?
A Free Spirit Life with Shannon Kinney-Duh explores powerful ways to release what's blocking you so you can live in tune with your authentic Self once and for all.
As a holistic life coach, intuitive human design guide, flower essence practitioner and artist, Shannon brings you thought-provoking reflections, soul-searching lessons, practical, empowering tips and life-changing interviews each week. Topics include human design, energy work, journaling, creativity, meditation, nature and more.
A Free Spirit Life Podcast
Discover Your Authentic Light